Post 223 Left and Right Brain

The Left Brain vs Right Brain test Do you see the dancer turning in a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction? If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and vice versa. Most people see the dancer turning anti-clockwise. See if you can focus and change the direction.

uses logic…………………………………uses feeling
detail oriented……………………………."big picture" oriented
facts rule……………………………………feelings and imagination rules
words and language………………………….symbols and images
present and future………………………….present
math and science……………………………philosophy & religion
can comprehend……………………………..can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
order/pattern perception…………………….chaos/spatial perception
knows object name…………………………..knows object function
reality based on five senses…………………reality based on intuition
forms strategies……………………………presents desires, possibilities
practical………………………………….spontaneous, impetuous
calculated risk taking………………………fearlessness, exploring

When I first saw the image she was oscillating… turning left and then right. After a few seconds, I saw her turning clockwise… that was until I was distracted by another image and then when I looked back, she was turning anti-clockwise. Now when I close the image and then re-open it, she is turning clockwise. I find that if I move the image to the top of the page so that I can just see her feet from below the knees, that I can change the direction of her spin. But the weird thing in that is that her foot that's on the ground doesn't follow the change in spin of her free foot…


2 thoughts on “Post 223 Left and Right Brain

  1. ok that picture was trippy. but i am indeed a right side kinda person. im sure you could have ghuessed that. took me a minute of looking at it thinking that is imposibble to see it change direction. but it did

  2. one question though…. do people have the ability to chage this " pre programed function" i only ask this because at one point in my life i was totaly right sided but due to conditioning i have trided to force habits of the leftside due to i likes those chericteristics more and desired to make them my own. most i found to be more posative atributes or ways of thinking to posibly change my flaws… and when i say that i only mean some people life in the present. but i found it important to try and always make sure i think long term and short term. it is a strugle to force but the out come ends up more logical and in the end has saved me from making many bad desisions

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